Monday, May 31, 2010

The End of May, and My Favorite Pottery Communion Set

May brought joys to the farm that were stifled all winter long. Green things and baby animals have brightened the month beyond belief. There wasn't a table that lacked eggs, greens, herbs, asparagus, onions, snow peas and the like. The last of the carrots and beets will be pulled this week, but we won't mourn them - cucumbers, tomatoes and squashes will ripen before the week is over! Spring things will be set aside as summer rushes in!
This month included a visit to my sister in greet the newest member of her family and love on the family that already lives within the walls of her home. We enjoyed several mountain visits and time with Nana and Grandpa and our children as we visited them and they visited the farm.
This month also included studio time that included testing several new shapes and two new be revealed after more use. My favorite pottery this month would be a communion set, glazed in the soft white glaze that I used on my everyday coffee mug. I tested this glaze on my favorite mug shape nearly a year ago, and in the hustle and bustle of the last year...I forgot I had gallons of this mix sitting in the studio! I love it daily, and throw it in the dishwasher and go to the studio to work, rarely thinking about it again. So, now, this set is available in my etsy shop, see it here:
May, is also the birth month of my baby girl. Today to be exact...May 31st. She's 20 today. No longer the parent of a teenager, both of my children are 20 something. And, I can't wish her a happy birthday until next weekend...she's in summer school in the wilderness, in an unreachable area. Hope she's enjoying the experience and the day!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Pottery Wine Goblet Exhibition

I am pleased to have been chosen by The Bascom, of Highlands, NC, to exhibit wine goblets at their center for visual arts from May 15th until June 6th.
To check out The Bascom - click here:
The goblets will be part of a display that coincides with the Collective Spirits Wine Festival held on the grounds May 21st and 22nd and will help benefit the visual arts center's fund drive.
For information about the wine festival - click here:
A gorgeous place to visit, a great center for art study and a wonderful wine festival...thanks for the honor!