Sunday, August 15, 2010

Grape Vines

The grape vines have been well used in the pottery studio this year, and now it's time to use them in the kitchen. We harvested the grapes and made grape jelly. And, we harvested the pears and started making pear butter. The canner is in high gear and there is another bushel of pears mellowing in my garage waiting to meet the same fate.
Today's project, amending garden soil and adding fall vegetable plantings.
Farm life....

Friday, August 6, 2010

Pottery on the Work Table

The last week proved very productive in the studio. After facing issues that kept me away from my wheel much of these past two months, I finally found time to delve in deeply. The kiln is full and firing a load of bisqueware and this greenware, along with the rest of the countertop full, is waiting - or drying - for it's chance to face the fire. Several of these pieces are of the hand-built grapevine series, and platters for watercolors, bottles and lidded pinecone jars join them.

It feels very satisfying to spend my days with muddy hands!

Next week, a repeat.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Custom Pottery Wine Goblets

It's always fun to be given a request for something special. A gift to be presented to one on behalf of another.
To be trusted to create something that will honor both the giver and the recipient. Something that captures the feeling of the moment and the occasion.
It's just a little sad when you aren't there to see the faces and know if your efforts met their mark. I gather from the email that this set did, and I thank the giver for the opportunity to share in their celebration!